The Advancing Early Career Researchers and Scholars (AECRS) programme addresses the needs of emerging academic researchers in the South African higher education and research sector, aiming at support and capacity building. Following from previous studies on building a cohort of emerging academics nationally, and in-depth discussions with academic research leaders in all South African universities, the national landscape was mapped to determine interventions and resources needed for developing emerging researchers.
Based on recommendations emanating from these studies and as key components of the AECRS programme, Universities South Africa (USAf), funded by the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), formed the Community of Practice for Postgraduate Education and Scholarship (CoP PGES). The programme also developed the Thuso platforms – Thuso Connect and Thuso Resources. These are available online, for early career researchers, to assist them in accelerating and enriching their academic career progress. The CoP PGES on the other hand, continues to foster engagements among stakeholders in the higher education sector, advocating and advancing matters of postgraduate education and scholarship.
We were joined by Professor Stephanie Burton and Professor Kolawole Samuel Adeyemo. Prof Burton is the former Vice-Principal for Research and Postgraduate Education at UP, and the interim President of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), immediate past President and a Fellow of the Royal Society of South Africa (RSSA) and a Research Fellow for Universities South Africa (USAf). Professor Kolawole Samuel Adeyemo is an Associate Professor and Director of Centre for the Advancement of Sustainable Higher Education Futures (CASHEF) at the University of Pretoria.
Professor Stephanie Burton’s input can be downloaded here