Over the coming years HELM will be working towards formalising this process based on basic grounding principles:
- The mentor and mentee would commit to the process and decide on specific areas that would be the focus of their work.
- Meetings would be regular and time limited.
- Support during intervals (via email or WhatsApp) would be encouraged.
- Both parties would focus on being open-minded and curious.
During the first Women in Leadership (WiL) programme, coaching and mentoring quickly became an important pillar of the programme and has proved extremely productive. Driven by Brightness Mangolothi, the director of HERS-South Africa, she oversaw the process and has produced a short summary of her findings on its efficacy.
The Impact of
our Programmes
“It was a great opportunity to understand and share ideas from peers after a great presentation by the facilitators”
– Head of Department, UWC 2018
“I really appreciated the time spent going over the difference between therapy, mentoring coaching etc. This was a very helpful framing”.
Dean, Univen 2022
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