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Welcome to HELM

HELM programmes have been designed to assist individuals and organisations to identify their capacity needs within their specific context and align individual leadership development pathways with organisational objectives. The activities focus on developing individuals’ capacities in key areas required to support various dimensions in the higher education system and on building communities of learning and practice to strengthen the higher education systems. The outputs from each activity will combine to strengthen university governance and performance and contribute to positive sectoral outcomes.

HELM Programmes

Foundations of Leadership

This programme will provide senior and middle managers with the fundamental knowledge and skills on academic leadership and management, strategy and operations in higher education institutions.


Specialist Programmes

The short courses in specialist areas will provide senior and middle managers with expert knowledge and skills in key functions in an institutional setting.

Women in Leadership Programme

The women in higher education leadership programme for academic and administrative middle managers promotes gender equity in leadership and creates a pipeline for senior management and executive positions in universities.


Coaching and Mentoring Programme

Coaching and mentoring was always understood by HELM as a by-product of the face-to-face networks that have always been its preferred way of interacting.

Professional Development Workshops & Seminars

The professional development workshops and seminars will provide a platform for engagement, knowledge and support on the transformation and change agendas and key issues for institutions and the sector.

Dean & Heads of School Programme

These programmes are aimed at newly appointed Deans and Heads of Schools/academic departments. With minimal disruption to their existing workload, these programmes will offer valuable skills and applied learning and support to academic leaders and university managers.


University Lecturer Development Programme

The ULDP in higher education will contribute meaningfully to the public universities’ talent development strategies, systemic support capacity, planning, and curriculum quality enhancement.


HELM ENGAGE are a series of intellectual engagements. Held every month these intriguing conversations are about trending topics in higher education.

Student Affairs and Student Success (SASS)

SASS – Student success involves a holistic understanding of the student life cycle, from enrolment to graduation.

The Impact of
our Programmes

“I always hold Helm engagements, especially ENGAGE, dearly in my heart. The discussions are always relevant to my profession”.

HoD, 2024, WSU

On the HELM Summit: “The topics were very relevant to the current Higher Education environment and successfully encapsulated the ever-changing paradigm that leaders in the university find themselves in today, on a local, regional, national and global scale.”

Dean, 2022, Arizona State University, USA

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