In order to better understand, support and address the leadership and management needs of historically disadvantaged institutions (HDIs) in embedding and advancing technology-mediated teaching and learning, HELM has created the Higher Education Lab (tHE Lab). This organisational and leadership development initiative is informed by good practice in other higher education systems e.g. ‘the Internationalisation Lab’ put in place in the USA by the American Council of Education (ACE) and the Change Academy which focussed on improving the quality of teaching and learning in the UK universities.

tHE Lab will provide the platform for institutional and regional collaborative activities that inform, direct and support the HDIs’ mission, strategy and operations in the digital knowledge enterprise and learning technologies domains, through appropriate research, leadership and management development and contextualised institutional change management interventions.

Institutional digital learning project identification and plan, leadership team selection and stakeholder consultation process.

One-on-one engagements with participating higher education institutions in terms of their project plan and implementation of activities over the two-year period in tHE Lab.

Online workshops on change management, organisational development and systems thinking, in support of the HEIs digital transformation projects.

Preparation and presentation of higher education institution’s digital transformation projects as case studies via the learning platform and digital communities of practice.

tHE Lab will provide the platform for institutional and regional collaborative activities that inform, direct and support the HDIs’ mission, strategy and operations in the digital knowledge enterprise and learning technologies domains, through appropriate research, leadership and management development and contextualised institutional change management interventions.

Institutional digital learning project identification and plan, leadership team selection and stakeholder consultation process.

One-on-one engagements with participating higher education institutions in terms of their project plan and implementation of activities over the two-year period in tHE Lab.

Online workshops on change management, organisational development and systems thinking, in support of the HEIs digital transformation projects.

Preparation and presentation of higher education institution’s digital transformation projects as case studies via the learning platform and digital communities of practice.