The Foundations of Leadership programme for University Managers constitutes an application of the overall HELM objectives to an audience of senior and middle university managers.

These managers come from all sectors including Finance, HR, Infrastructure and Maintenance, ICT, Academic Administration and Support, Campus Safety and Security, Student Affairs, International Office, Communications, Marketing and Public Relations, Faculty Administration, Sport and Residence Life, and so on.
The purpose of the programme is to imbue university managers with a deeper understanding of the overall policy, strategy, transformation, people management and institutional challenges of the higher education sector. This will facilitate more cohesive systems of academic and operations management within our universities, based on a shared understanding of key challenges, as well as developing tools for problem solving, leading and managing.

The objectives of Foundations of Leadership for University Managers are as follows:

  • Develop an informed perspective on the challenges facing university management in a complex and changing higher education environment.
  • Promote the development of creative problem solving through expert input, self-reflection, case studies and group interaction.
  • Introduce skills that should contribute to proactive and effective management leadership at your University.
  • Formally and informally engage with other participants, through the sharing of experiences and the exchanging of ideas, in support of both personal and institutional development.

Please note:
Attendance is limited to ensure engaged learning and an enhanced space for participation and reflection. Participation in Foundations of Leadership University Managers Part 2 is only possible if you completed Part 1.

Unfortunately, capacity has been reached on the FoL 1 UM taking place on 2-4 November. Please register for the next even starting on 30 November.

Contact Details

For more information, please contact:
Michelle Buchler or Molatelo Motswe:
Email: michelle.buchler@helm.ac.za