A tripartite partnership was launched on Monday, 10 October, between Universities South Africa’s Higher Education Leadership and Management (HELM) Programme, the Central Johannesburg TVET College (CJC) and the Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority (EWSETA). This partnership will see five CJC lecturers undergo training in renewable energy as well as twenty middle managers from the same college participating in the College Management Development Programme (CMDP), offered by HELM.

Speaking at this event, which was hosted at Universities South Africa’s offices in Hatfield, Pretoria, Ms Mpho Mookapele (2nd from right, below), Chief Executive Officer of the EWSETA, said they are in this partnership to ensure that the skills development critical to South Africa’s transition from fossil energy sources to more renewable energy sources takes place. She mentioned a plethora of opportunities available in the roll out of new technologies in the water sector and in South Africa’s Just Energy Transition programme that includes green hydrogen power generation.